Monday 4 May 2015

Stephen Curry, MVP?

NBA is at playoffs semifinals, and one of the most attractive questions to answer is: who will be the regular season MVP? There's a lot of options, Russell Westbrook from Oklahoma, with his triple-dobles? James Harden from Houston, with his shot clock baskets to win the games? LeBron James from Cleveland, with his skills and probably the heir of Michael Jordan? All these have great oportunities to be the Most Valuable Player in a season that is very long, with 82 games.
But all the world have a favourite player, from Golden State, the point-guard, Stephen Curry. His skills are amazing. He has the ability to make a three point basket from all places in the court, and amazing dribbling skills including a spectacular intelligence to make plays.

He has average in the regular season 23'8 points, 4'3 rebounds and 7'7 assists, and now he's doing an amazing playoffs with an avarage of 31'4 points, 4'6 rebounds and 7'2 assists.


We will now the NBA decission this afternoon, but everyone bets for Stephen. Will he be the MVP?

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday was confirmed, Stephen Curry is the 2014-2015 MVP.
